The proposal was raised in a recent breakthrough inquiry from the Senate on Thursday.
Greens senator, Barbara Pocock, called on the government to seriously consider the “ambitious” reforms to improve the quality of life of Australian workers.
Pocock told ABC Breakfast, “too many Australians are working very long hours…and places that are trialling a reduction in working hours, are getting very positive results”.
The report recommended the Albanese government trial the four-day work week reform, as well as a year of paid parental leave, in an attempt to allow employees to disconnect from work more regularly.
The report explored the idea of issuing strong penalties for employers who enforce a full work week and suggested this action should be considered by the Fair Work Commission.
Another recommendation mentioned in the report was the limitation of employer-to-employee contact outside of work hours.
Unless in cases of emergency, the restriction of contact allows workers to further disconnect from work-related concerns during their off-time.
Labour senators Deborah O‘Neill, Jana Stewart and Linda White stated, “It is now the role of government to consider the report and its recommendations within the context of broader budgetary and legislative constraints.”