This economic expenditure will instil a firm recovery within the industry, while concurrently allowing for a huge increase in defence-related career opportunities amongst the South Australian population.
South Australia’s defence boost is a follow up from recent decisions made by the Morrison Government to invest almost $800 million in aims to upgrade training areas in the Northern Territory and remain battle ready.
While this budget boost will create a huge spike in frontline recruitment, creating an even bigger demand for women specifically, this increase will also see an opening in jobs relating to administration and hospitality.
Defence Minister Peter Dutton has also stressed that an ample focus should be placed on the needs of the nation’s defence force on different fronts including building infrastructure and technology.
It has been said that South Australia has a unique advantage within developing smart technology to combat potential cyber threats.
A consideration of upgrades to be made on the Collins-class submarines has been a topic of conversation, which will also conveniently be built in Adelaide.
There are currently over 500 defence jobs available in Adelaide with a sure surge commencing in the next few months.
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